Spatial Heterogeneity and Anomalous Kinetics: Emergent Patterns in Diffusion-Limited Predatory-Prey Interaction (1995) by T. Keitt, A. Johnson (Download PDF)
The Introduced Hawaiian Avifauna Reconsidered: Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality? (1996) by T. Keitt, P. Marquet (Download PDF)
Detection of Critical Densities Associated With Pinon‐Juniper Woodland Ecotones (1996) by B.T. Milne, A.R. Johnson, T.H. Keitt, C.A. Hatfield, J. David, P.T. Hraber (Download PDF)
Stability and Complexity on a Lattice: Coexistence of Species in an Individual-Based Food Web Model (1997) by T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Detecting Critical Scales in Fragmented Landscapes (1997) by T. Keitt, D. Urban, B. Milne (Download PDF)
Dynamics of North American Breeding Bird Populations (1998) by T. Keitt, H. Stanley (Download PDF)
The Dual Nature of Community Variability (1999) by F. Micheli, K. Cottingham, J. Bascompte, O. Bjornstad, G. Eckert, J. Fischer, T. Keitt, B. Kendall, J. Klug, J. Rusak (Download PDF)
Scale Invariance and Universality: Organizing Principles in Complex Systems (2000) by H. Stanley, L. Amaral, P. Gopikrishnan, P. Ivanov, T. Keitt, V. Plerou (Download PDF)
Spectral Representation of Neutral Landscapes (2000) by T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Dispersal, Environmental Correlation, and Spatial Synchrony in Population Dynamics (2000) by B. Kendall, O. Bjrnstad, J. Bascompte, T. Keitt, W. Fagan (Download PDF)
Alternative Causes for Range Limits: A Metapopulation Perspective (2000) by R.D. Holt, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Landscape Connectivity: A Conservation Application of Graph Theory (2000) by A.G. Bunn, D.L. Urban, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Allee Effects, Invasion Pinning, and Species’ Borders (2001) by T. Keitt, M. Lewis, R. Holt (Download PDF)
Landscape Connectivity: A Graph-Theoretic Perspective (2001) by D. Urban, T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Accounting for Spatial Pattern When Modeling Organism‐environment Interactions (2002) by T.H. Keitt, O.N. Bjrnstad, P.M. Dixon, S. Citronpousty (Download PDF)
Scaling in the Growth of Geographically Subdivided Populations: Invariant Patterns From a Continent-Wide Biological Survey (2002) by T.H. Keitt, L.A. Amaral, S.V. Buldyrev, H.E. Stanley (Download PDF)
Spatial Autocorrelation, Dispersal and the Maintenance of Source-Sink Populations (2003) by T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Network Theory: An Evolving Approach to Landscape Conservation (2003) by T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Theoretical Models of Species’ Borders: Single Species Approaches (2004) by R.D. Holt, T.H. Keitt, M.A. Lewis, B.A. Maurer, M.L. Taper (Download PDF)
The Community Context of Species’ Borders: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives (2004) by T.J. Case, R.D. Holt, M.A. Mcpeek, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Species’ Borders: A Unifying Theme in Ecology (2004) by R.D. Holt, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Species’ Geographic Ranges and Distributional Limits: Pattern Analysis and Statistical Issues (2004) by M.‐. Fortin, T.H. Keitt, B.A. Maurer, M.L. Taper, D.M. Kaufman, T.M. Blackburn (Download PDF)
Scale-Specific Inference Using Wavelets (2005) by T.H. Keitt, D.L. Urban (Download PDF)
Detection of Scale-Specific Community Dynamics Using Wavelets (2006) by T.H. Keitt, J. Fischer (Download PDF)
Pollination and Other Ecosystem Services Produced by Mobile Organisms: A Conceptual Framework for the Effects of Land‐use Change (2007) by C. Kremen, N.M. Williams, M.A. Aizen, B. Gemmillherren, G. Lebuhn, R. Minckley, L. Packer, S.G. Potts, T. Roulston, I. Steffandewenter, D.P. Vazquez, R. Winfree, L. Adams, E.E. Crone, S.S. Greenleaf, T.H. Keitt, A. Klein, J. Regetz, T.H. Ricketts (Download PDF)
Species Diversity in Neutral Metacommunities: A Network Approach (2007) by E.P. Economo, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
On the Quantification of Local Variation in Biodiversity Scaling Using Wavelets (2007) by T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Using Circuit Theory to Model Connectivity in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation (2008) by B.H. Mcrae, B.G. Dickson, T.H. Keitt, V.B. Shah (Download PDF)
Environmental Fluctuations Induce Scale‐dependent Compensation and Increase Stability in Plankton Ecosystems (2008) by A.L. Downing, B.L. Brown, E.M. Perrin, T.H. Keitt, M.A. Leibold (Download PDF)
Beyond the Least-Cost Path: Evaluating Corridor Redundancy Using a Graph-Theoretic Approach (2008) by N. Pinto, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Scale‐dependent Responses to Forest Cover Displayed by Frugivore Bats (2008) by N. Pinto, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Coherent Ecological Dynamics Induced by Large-Scale Disturbance (2008) by T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity Explain Disease Dynamics in a Spatially Explicit Network Model (2008) by C.P. Brooks, J. Antonovics, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
The Role of Demography and Markets in Determining Deforestation Rates Near Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar (2009) by C.P. Brooks, C. Holmes, K. Kramer, B. Barnett, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Primate Densities in the Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil: The Role of Habitat Quality and Anthropogenic Disturbance (2009) by N. Pinto, J. Lasky, R. Bueno, T. Keitt, M. Galetti (Download PDF)
Habitat Conversion, Extinction Thresholds, and Pollination Services in Agroecosystems (2009) by T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Network Isolation and Local Diversity in Neutral Metacommunities (2010) by E.P. Economo, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
A Sampling Theory for Asymmetric Communities (2010) by A.E. Noble, N.M. Temme, W.F. Fagan, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Integration of Distance, Direction and Habitat Into a Predictive Migratory Movement Model for Blue-Winged Teal (Anas Discors) (2011) by B.J. Kreakie, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Human Versus Climatic Influences on Late-Holocene Fire Regimes in Southwestern Nicaragua (2011) by S. Avnery, R.A. Dull, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Conservation Biogeography of the US–Mexico Border: A Transcontinental Risk Assessment of Barriers to Animal Dispersal (2011) by J.R. Lasky, W. Jetz, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Characterizing Genomic Variation of Arabidopsis Thaliana: The Roles of Geography and Climate (2012) by J.R. Lasky, D.L. Marais, J.K. Mckay, J.H. Richards, T.E. Juenger, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
The Effect of Spatial Structure of Pasture Tree Cover on Avian Frugivores in Eastern Amazonia (2012) by J.R. Lasky, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Productivity, Nutrient Imbalance and Fragility in Coupled Producer–decomposer Systems (2012) by T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Enhanced Migratory Waterfowl Distribution Modeling by Inclusion of Depth to Water Table Data (2012) by B.J. Kreakie, Y. Fan, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Perennial Biomass Grasses and the Mason–Dixon Line: Comparative Productivity Across Latitudes in the Southern Great Plains (2012) by J.R. Kiniry, L.C. Anderson, M.V. Johnson, K.D. Behrman, M. Brakie, D. Burner, R.L. Cordsiemon, P.A. Fay, F.B. Fritschi, J.H. Houx, C. Hawkes, T. Juenger, J. Kaiser, T.H. Keitt, J. Lloyd-Reilley, S. Maher, R. Raper, A. Scott, A. Shadow, C. West, Y. Wu, L. Zibilske (Download PDF)
Predicting and Mapping Potential Whooping Crane Stopover Habitat to Guide Site Selection for Wind Energy Projects (2013) by J.A. Belaire, B.J. Kreakie, T. Keitt, E. Minor (Download PDF)
Spatial Forecasting of Switchgrass Productivity Under Current and Future Climate Change Scenarios (2013) by K. Behrman, J. Kiniry, M. Winchell, T. Juenger, T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Reserve Size and Fragmentation Alter Community Assembly, Diversity, and Dynamics (2013) by J.R. Lasky, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Trait‐mediated Effects of Environmental Filtering on Tree Community Dynamics (2013) by J.R. Lasky, I. Sun, S. Su, Z. Chen, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Macrosystems Ecology: Understanding Ecological Patterns and Processes at Continental Scales (2014) by J.B. Heffernan, P.A. Soranno, M.J. Angilletta, L.B. Buckley, D.S. Gruner, T.H. Keitt, J.R. Kellner, J.S. Kominoski, A.V. Rocha, J. Xiao, T.K. Harms, S.J. Goring, L.E. Koenig, W.H. Mcdowell, H. Powell, A.D. Richardson, C.A. Stow, R. Vargas, K.C. Weathers (Download PDF)
The Role of Functional Traits and Individual Variation in the Co-Occurrence of Ficus Species (2014) by J. Lasky, J. Yang, G. Zhang, M. Cao, Y. Tang, T. Keitt (Download PDF)
Approaches to Advance Scientific Understanding of Macrosystems Ecology (2014) by O. Levy, B.A. Ball, B. Bond-Lamberty, K.S. Cheruvelil, A.O. Finley, N.R. Lottig, S.W. Punyasena, J. Xiao, J. Zhou, L.B. Buckley, C.T. Filstrup, T.H. Keitt, J.R. Kellner, A.K. Knapp, A.D. Richardson, D. Tcheng, M. Toomey, R. Vargas, J.W. Voordeckers, T. Wagner, J.W. Williams (Download PDF)
Modeling Differential Growth in Switchgrass Cultivars Across the Central and Southern Great Plains (2014) by K.D. Behrman, T.H. Keitt, J.R. Kiniry (Download PDF)
Resolving the Life Cycle Alters Expected Impacts of Climate Change (2015) by O. Levy, L.B. Buckley, T.H. Keitt, C.D. Smith, K.O. Boateng, D.S. Kumar, M.J. Angilletta (Download PDF)
Resilience vs. Historical Contingency in Microbial Responses to Environmental Change (2015) by C.V. Hawkes, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Spatial Land Use Trade-Offs for Maintenance of Biodiversity, Biofuel, and Agriculture (2015) by K.D. Behrman, T.E. Juenger, J.R. Kiniry, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
A Hierarchical Model of Whole Assemblage Island Biogeography (2016) by J.R. Lasky, T.H. Keitt, B.C. Weeks, E.P. Economo (Download PDF)
Ontogeny Constrains Phenology: Opportunities for Activity and Reproduction Interact to Dictate Potential Phenologies in a Changing Climate (2016) by O. Levy, L.B. Buckley, T.H. Keitt, M.J. Angilletta (Download PDF)
Step-Wise Drops in Modularity and the Fragmentation of Exploited Marine Metapopulations (2017) by T.S. Pena, J.R. Watson, L.I. Gonzalez-Guzman, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Iterative Near-Term Ecological Forecasting: Needs, Opportunities, and Challenges (2017) by M.C. Dietze, A. Fox, L.M. Beck-Johnson, J.L. Betancourt, M.B. Hooten, C.S. Jarnevich, T.H. Keitt, M.A. Kenney, C.M. Laney, L.G. Larsen, H.W. Loescher, C.K. Lunch, B.C. Pijanowski, J.T. Randerson, E.K. Read, A.T. Tredennick, R. Vargas, K.C. Weathers, E.P. White (Download PDF)
Border Wall: Bad for Biodiversity (2018) by N. Fowler, T. Keitt, O. Schmidt, M. Terry, K. Trout (Download PDF)
Predicting the Reef Acoustic Cuescape From the Perspective of Larval Fishes Across a Habitat Quality Gradient (2018) by A.K. Salas, A.H. Altieri, P.S. Wilson, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
El Muro Fronterizo - Impactos Negativos en La Biodiversidad4 (2019) by N. Fowler, T. Keitt, O. Schmidt, M. Terry, K. Trout (Download PDF)
Altitudinal Limits of Eastern Himalayan Birds Are Created by Competition Past and Present (2019) by G.S. Surya, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Source-Sink Dynamics Can Maintain Mismatched Range and Bioclimatic Limits Even at Large Spatial Scales (2020) by N. Goel, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Scale Invariance in the Spatial-Dynamics of Biological Invasions (2020) by A.M. Liebhold, T.H. Keitt, N. Goel, C. Bertelsmeier (Download PDF)
Population Status, Connectivity, and Conservation Action for the Endangered Baird’s Tapir (2020) by C.J. Schank, M.V. Cove, E.Y. Arima, L.S. Brandt, E. Brenes-Mora, A. Carver, A. Diaz-Pulido, N. Estrada, R.J. Foster, O. Godinez-Gomez, B.J. Harmsen, C.A. Jordan, T.H. Keitt, M.J. Kelly, J.S. Mendez, E. Mendoza, N. Meyer, G.P. Montuy, E.J. Naranjo, C.K. Nielsen, G. Ofarrill, R. Reyna-Hurtado, M. Rivero, J.P. Sanchez, M. Singleton, J.A. Torre, M.A. Wood, K.R. Young, J.A. Miller (Download PDF)
Cavitation‐resistant Junipers Cease Transpiration Earlier Than Cavitation‐vulnerable Oaks Under Summer Dry Conditions (2021) by A.P. Northup, T.H. Keitt, C.E. Farrior (Download PDF)
Ecology in the Age of Automation (2021) by T. Keitt, E. Abelson (Download PDF)
Neutral Processes and Reduced Dispersal Across Amazonian Rivers May Explain How Rivers Maintain Species Diversity After Secondary Contact (2022) by S. Junior, W.E. Magnusson, C.P. Deus, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
The Mismatch Between Range and Niche Limits Due to Source-Sink Dynamics Can Be Greater Than Species Mean Dispersal Distance (2022) by N. Goel, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Fine-Scale Monitoring and Mapping of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Reveals Multiple Synergies and Few Tradeoffs in Urban Green Space Management (2022) by J.A. Belaire, C. Higgins, D. Zoll, K. Lieberknecht, R.P. Bixler, J.L. Neff, T.H. Keitt, S. Jha (Download PDF)
Estimating Scale-Specific and Localized Spatial Patterns in Allele Frequency (2024) by J.R. Lasky, M. Takou, D. Gamba, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)
Semiautomated Generation of Species-Specific Training Data From Large, Unlabeled Acoustic Datasets for Deep Supervised Birdsong Isolation (2024) by J. Sasek, B. Allison, A. Contina, D. Knobles, P. Wilson, T. Keitt (Download PDF)
BioSense: An Automated Sensing Node for Organismal and Environmental Biology (2024) by A. Contina, E. Abelson, B. Allison, B. Stokes, K.F. Sanchez, H.M. Hernandez, A.M. Kepple, Q. Tran, I. Kazen, K.A. Brown, H. Powell, T.H. Keitt (Download PDF)